Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Top Challenges Facing Executives


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Letter from the Lead Navigator:
Show Appreciation to a Veteran!

Few of us understand the difficulties and challenges our veterans face. I grew up
in a military family and served on active duty for 20 years. In comparison, my time
in the service pales in significance to what our modern day veterans have endured
during the past 10 years.

Even now, our military stands tall during the government shutdown.

Military people don't ask for much, but your sincere appreciation and respect is
worth millions to them. Just tell them "thanks."

Employers: Hiring a Vet is a great opportunity to put someone to work that possesses
discipline, integrity, skills and the motivation to get a job done.

Helping you Chart Your Course!

Gregory P. Smith

President and Lead Navigator

Employee Engagement - Key Drivers

Top Challenges Facing Executives

In a previous newsletter, we talked about Employee Engagement; what it is, what
to do, and questions to ask. This article will discuss the "Key Drivers" of Engagement.

While employee surveys make it possible to identify engagement, it does not pinpoint
organizational improvement very well. There are many factors that will help increase
employee engagement known as "Drivers."

These drivers, when managed correctly, will help a a company effectively manage
the levels of employee engagement.

Drivers such as clearly defined goals, vision, culture, management & peer relationships,
career development & opportunities, performance feedback, communication, rewards
& recognition, and trust are some of the elements that enable employee engagement.

Here are some points (in no particular order) to consider as you look to increase
employee engagement:

Organizational Goals & Vision - Everyone within the company need to know the overall
vision, direction, and their part in achieving that direction. Make sure everyone
has specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, & time targeted goals that are
congruent with the company goals. This is a must for successful companies.

Job Clarity - Employees must know what is expected of them and to have the tools
necessary to do their jobs. When employees don't know exactly what is expected
or have the basic materials / tools needed to complete the job, resentment or boredom
kicks in and they may lose the focus on how to help the company succeed. It is important
to give employees everything they need in order to be successful.

Job Perception Of Importance - Employees must know & perceive the importance of
their job. This is vital to their overall attitude, loyalty, and customer service.
This may be the most important factor of all.

Career Improvement Opportunities - Employees should be given opportunities to better
themselves through training & advancement. Provide support, direction, and growth
opportunities to the employee looking to better themselves.

On Going Feedback - Many companies really fail here. Feedback is a key driver to
let employees know how they are doing. If they are doing a good job, tell them!
Say "Thank You" when you catch them doing something right. Many times companies
that have a bonus structure think that by giving them a check, it is enough. Often
times what an employee really wants is to hear "Thank you for doing a great job."
I am not stating that bonuses for a job well done should be discontinued, I am saying
that it is not the sole driver. Just ask your employees.

Excellent Working Relationships With Superiors, Peers, & Subordinates - Top performers
have great relationships with their managers, staff, & peers. If they have a bad
relationship with their boss, then no amount of incentives will keep them performing
at the highest levels.

Effective Communication - Often poor communication leads to lack of trust, disengagement,
and internal destruction starts to occur. Employees that perceive poor communication
do not have a clear description of "what's going on." When that happens, it may
cause a sense of doubt, poor performance, and you will no longer have an engaged
employee. Keep everyone in the loop and focused on goals, achievement, and success.

Integrity, Ethics, & Values - A core set of values should be understood by the entire
staff. This set of values will help in the decision making process when challenges
or problems arise. When these are clearly defined, everyone will come up with the
same answer / solution to any given situation. Everyone must "walk the talk" from
top to bottom. This is the most important driver of them all.

Reward Engagement - Employees that are engaged are top performers and should be
rewarded. Incentives for a job well done are proven to boost morale and increase
engagement. Put a program in place that works within your industry and communicate
it to everyone. But you must follow up on this program or it will become very destructive
and counterproductive.

There are many aspects to employee engagement and we hope this list will help you
to enhance engagement within your company.

If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with
your current performance, leadership, strategy, and / or hiring needs, contact us

Call or email us [] for more information.

800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464

Emotional Intelligence & Leadership

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, assess, and control the
emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. It can be divided into ability EI
and trait EI. Ability EI is usually measured using maximum performance tests and
has stronger relationships with traditional intelligence, whereas trait EI is usually
measured using self-report questionnaires and has stronger relationships with personality.
Emotional Quotient (EQ) measures our Emotional Intelligence and is independent of
(IQ) Intelligence Quotient. IQ measures the level of our intelligence and is responsible
for 10-25% of our performance success.
IQ does not change much, but EQ skills can be learned. 90% of the difference between
average and superior performers is EQ.
Emotional Intelligence Leadership is the ability to recognize, understand, and use
the power of emotions to facilitate high levels of collaboration and productivity.
It is the foundational competency every leader needs to grow. Emotional intelligence,
in essence, is the ability to effectively manage emotions.
EQ and Leadership
The single most important element in group intelligence is not the average, or even
the highest IQ, but emotional intelligence.
Executive EQ argues that a single participant who is low in EQ can lower the collective
IQ of the entire group. Further, the EQ and emotional tone of the group is most
strongly affected by the leader's EQ. Emotional management is crucial in leadership.
A good leader creates an emotionally safe workplace and successfully manages her
own and others' emotions. The EQ of leaders affects individual, group, and organizational
outcomes. Research shows that the EQ of a team leader has positive effects on not
only team members' satisfaction, but also extra-role behavior aimed at the entire
organization. These findings suggest a ripple effect of positive outcomes that can
be tied to leaders with high levels of EQ. Indeed, at the top levels of leadership,
EQ accounts for as much as 90% of success.
Intrapersonal Emotional Quotient
* Self-Awareness - The ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions
and drives, as well as their effect on others.
* Self-Regulation - The ability to control or re-direct disruptive impulses and
moods and the propensity to suspend judgment and think before acting.
* Motivation - A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money and status and
a propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence.
Interpersonal Emotional Quotient
* Social Skills - A proficiency in managing relationships and building networks.
* Empathy - The ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people.
Give your superior performers the opportunity to learn & understand EQ and watch
them take your company to the next level.
If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with
your current performance, leadership, strategy, and / or hiring needs, contact us

See a sample report. []

Call or email us [] for more information.

800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464

Industry Facts and Figures on Engagement

For more on improving employee engagement, visit our blog. []

Gregory P. Smith
Lead Navigator

In This Issue

Employee Engagement - Key Drivers
Executives Top Challenges this year
Emotional Intelligence & Leadership
Industry Facts and Figures
DISC Training
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Supervisor's Manual

Supervisor's Passport to Success: A Quick and Easy Resource Guide for Managing People
The Supervisor's Passport to Success is a great guide for front-line -- busy people
who need quick and practical solutions to managing people. This book contains streamlined
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Motivational Quotes

"Tell me, I will forget. Show me, I may remember. Involve me, I will understand."
- Chinese Proverb

"A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires
the power and energy to get it done."
- Ralph Lauren

"Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon them and to
let them know that you trust them."
- Booker T. Washington

Did you know?

In 2010, China became the #1 English speaking country in the world. (Over 300 million)

1 out of every 4 workers today have been with their current employer for less than
a year. And approximately ½ have been with their current employer for under 5 years.

The top ten jobs that are in demand right now didn't exist in 2004. (Former Secretary
of Education, Richard Riley)

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The Navigator Newsletter is received by over 35,000 subscribers in 49 countries,
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Reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: "Chart
Your Course International, by Gregory P. Smith, Copyright 2013." Sign up and
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Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212, SW | Conyers | GA | 30094

Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Blognya Misbah

Blognya Misbah

EURUSD Mendekati Harga Tertinggi Januari 2013

Posted: 04 Oct 2013 12:16 AM PDT

Sejak awal oktober pasangan mata uang EURUSD terus mengalami penguatan dan hari ini tanggal 4-oktober-2013 harga semakin mendekati titik tertinggi januari 2013 di angka 1.3700. Penguatan EUR ini diakibatkan oleh kekhawatiran pasar dengan di tutupnya pemerintah Amerika (America Shutdwon) oleh Pemerintahan Presiden Barack Obama. EURUSD sudah mencapai titik 1.3645 kemarin dan saat ini sedang koreksi […]

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Blognya Misbah

Blognya Misbah

Bocoran Tekhnik MasterKey Ver.Advanced

Posted: 01 Oct 2013 07:14 AM PDT

Bagi anda yang sudah bergabung di tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi mendengar tekhnik forex The Master Key. Tekhnik ini adalah tekhnik simple yang memanfaatkan trend dan pembacaan kekuatan market berdasarkan besarnya kecilnya pola candle. Nah kabar baiknya, akhir november 2013 nanti, Tekhnik The Master Key Ver. Advanced akan saya release dengan memberikan materi baru […]