Kamis, 30 Mei 2013
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Selasa, 28 Mei 2013
Four Keys to Attract and Retain Millennials
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I hope everyone had a restful Memorial Day weekend. As a former U.S. Army Officer,
I certainly appreciate the meaning of the day, and would like to thank all my fellow
veterans for their service to our country. It is their sacrifices and hard work
that make everything we do at home possible.
Chart Your Course International will host a free webinar, "How to Use Assessments
to Hire, Build Teams, and Develop High Performing People," on Thursday, May 30,
at 3 p.m. We'd love to see you there. Please click this link [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0019h7-et31EEtZHL2mjHrfm2ezjQRimF_0FHvbze_KI2N54jQS4GbIOtzazRsE6amw8mdHfUpdVfrWAFphCxPW45wmDfWy0ppCsAFosZPEo0ZpaosvP9Y3OswzdXgaQXq7o7k_H4c8m8phQbQI6ZdLzuNZ4LfTLXFjQAF6_aoXRvKS_rSQvm4kilrGHkYF13hErb1OZMDOUZAmwabkEIU5KDLe6mFc21LSOIRhUzF9v9VY2lbASnb_cXZGX_bA-lkI_yvZs7mR3Bi82uOF8fqkwxGb8aFJ3tM6DlHPBE0bcHysvuqbFBke747Bqh2TN6V8LTPcHKYkAUIcigJhBe6LzRz4RZDcsdVEiTWTYcOWC55_cBQAGYvzGaYI_ItRLnP5]to
sign up.
Helping you Chart Your Course!
Gregory P. Smith
President and Lead Navigator
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FREE Webseminar this Thursday, May 30!
Have you ever made a wrong hiring or promotion decision?
Do you have employees who have difficulty communicating with others? People are
unique and have different temperaments and personalities. These differences have
a direct impact on how people interact, communicate and perform.
Interviewing and resumes present an unreliable and incomplete picture of applicants.
Assessments provide an unemotional evaluation of an individual's behavior, attitudes,
values and talent. This webseminar, "How to Use Assessments to Hire, Build Teams,
and Develop High Performing People," explains how to integrate DISC and other online
assessment tools into training, selection, communication and professional development
applications. Let Greg Smith, president and CEO of Chart Your Course, provide you
an overview of best practices for hiring and talent selection.
Join us Thursday, May 30, at 3 p.m.
Click the button [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0019h7-et31EEtZHL2mjHrfm2ezjQRimF_0FHvbze_KI2N54jQS4GbIOtzazRsE6amw8mdHfUpdVfrWAFphCxPW45wmDfWy0ppCsAFosZPEo0ZpaosvP9Y3OswzdXgaQXq7o7k_H4c8m8phQbQI6ZdLzuNZ4LfTLXFjQAF6_aoXRvKS_rSQvm4kilrGHkYF13hErb1OZMDOUZAmwabkEIU5KDLe6mFc21LSOIRhUzF9v9VY2lbASnb_cXZGX_bA-lkI_yvZs7mR3Bi82uOF8fqkwxGb8aFJ3tM6DlHPBE0bcHysvuqbFBke747Bqh2TN6V8LTPcHKYkAUIcigJhBe6LzRz4RZDcsdVEiTWTYcOWC55_cBQAGYvzGaYI_ItRLnP5]to
sign up today!
Four Keys to Attract and Retain Millennials
The youngest generation in today's workforce, Millennials or Generation Y, has brought
new challenges to companies.
These 20 and 30-somethings are the largest generation in human history and will
comprise 40 percent of the U.S. workforce by 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics. They are driven, task-oriented, social and technologically
savvy. They are also impatient, entitled and quick to change employers if they don't
feel they are advancing their careers sufficiently.
Seventy percent of Millennials leave a new job before the first two years, a turnover
rate twice as high as other generations, according to Experience.com. If businesses
want to attract and retain this enormous pool of talent, they have to start tailoring
their workplace to meet their needs and capture their loyalty.
Here are four keys to understanding and attracting Millennials:
1. Create and espouse a corporate mission, vision or set of values. Many Millennials
want to work for businesses or a cause they believe in. Many grew up in broken homes,
and they witnessed corporate and political corruption and abuse of power, as well
as significant tragedies like 9/11 and the Columbine shooting. Whether you sell
food, services or healthcare, branding is important; frame your business with an
upbeat, positive mission.
2. Provide flexible benefits. Millennials greatly value personalization. They grew
up being able to fit technology around their needs, and expect the same in other
parts of life. Allow them to have input into the packages you offer. Whole Foods
earns points with employees by allowing them to vote every three years on the benefits
packages it offers.
3. Present a clear career path and offer continued education. Millennials are notoriously
impatient and individualistic when it comes to their careers. Don't expect them
to stay in the same job for very long, without offering ways for them to advance
their careers. Convenience stations historically have very high turnover rates.
However, QuickTrip reversed that trend around by offering (among other things)
a career path for all new employees, while only hiring managers from within.
To finish reading this article click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0019h7-et31EEtR-0cuaD9oZmi6T9174BgwvyiezR7AKJRGa3wBg8dPacecT_y0KnW72bOVc_AeVYBwOQOqscs-oSRkhBe8DbK9El5VNtfHDraTEwS_-bJGZyosmJXyu7ajxv8xVPB_ie0jmae1VsDIGzt78vFF1PSWoRr_tnhQgW9w-nCi13gN2jjShGqiNeyMRnrkBkyimDLqEz85u1s3vekn0_3GakpEomng3ZH5lbGbNtepqiyrSKYY2k-BZB-R4YqrOzwmSVnaYqHxgUsnBAIJO0QYkHwdP4u5xh2yedPKJKzc33YfW3RvsbKqW45QIGCXy62r28hlJrXraDb74mupQi-G5E3zQuhZOtkkqn7VeTtkqfn96fweHRVqc7Ceqh158UA6AKYlFNqhuIK2HYiYlKnGApkV]!
Industry Facts and Figures
Organizations are increasingly using social media as part of their recruiting strategy.
According to a report from the Society for Human Resource Management, 77 percent
of organizations surveyed said they used social media to find candidates for new
jobs, and 30 percent use social media to screen current applicants. LinkedIn was
the most common site used for recruiting (80%), followed by Facebook (56%) and
Twitter (39%).
Gregory P. Smith
Lead Navigator
In This Issue
DISC Training
Books on Sale!
Save $36 with this special deal- a bundle package, which includes four of Greg's
latest and best-selling books:
* Fired Up! Leading Your Organization to Achieve Exceptional Result ($19.95)
* TNT-Dynamic Ways to Reward, Energize & Motivate Your Teams ($16.95)
* 401 Proven Ways to Retain Your Best Employees ($19.95)
* Icebreakers and Teambuilding Exercises Manual ($49.95)
Order your bundle today! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0019h7-et31EEvIwdz9wF0A3Q204d7Wwkitdi31WBJGQXjB1IL788BG5rQFtwdISSpdjjE2MFYQcP-h5Hr356SRc3xhk9ZJeBydGHIsaogko_fOSx2adxVAWZGDvU_vDuNAKeFgkbrtgv8x07U2_5pUJa1Zo4FsXkfN4ximUTRV1ExRMVKrHkTc250qw4POjgyH7ne9_53Fa23Fe13W_EWZVYflxDpkVg4--0e8_Z8rJCowlyy4JtcLJtdlKf2vRzYy4tPg9zt7nEfRxgQ-BNdMn2uS0lK9BHjt9T2GqDRhNXGQ_cONSCDVVaGwXlhHvnVKbJXAjbjPiwBxcRaCCETzVoDIJOGCEXKIk0L1VPZbvwfTOru0D9dyXbq_NV88VawcuNAHZkgh_E_oGiexoROSVA==]
Need a Keynote Speaker?
Greg Speaks SHRM 2013 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0019h7-et31EEu8omZ6NV50b3lFy68Gib5Z7aioQpOmsIr26bvjV-8EOrcI3D-AAG-90xxT8BeJKK4x0dGnVWyfk2aSCnZNmTTpAjzZHql1ogPqt6yxa__XxdokC9Y6LSAdTCzGtD9ids746LG5kOQcJnhjnJ7YHmFQc2yjj-jKKaqYMPhEBsd3PxL1ghP7SD6Vq-BpuOH4ZQlwPIw7QFIi9k-Aju1xnX09rXnIVPmrQxGhReC8e4vbKBeWv5aW20aNEFLywn_LG0dzjaKMzBbV_U7tTk08UcCTVWfipvD2sMSsAhYn-htW1270WrsORlplhcaQ7ppGMlYd4TnRScrhDPu1GutAXSI_JdyX1TEEvWwKYrSJblBOUtun7ugjcHKpCuzIpnIXg1Q0yEWo1QpOEEHYm_zLZ7dVO-iF1Uik_661RnUIS5xVdQ==]
Contact Greg Smith! As a leadership development speaker, he helps businesses create
great places to work, motivate people to achieve their potential and transform managers
into better leaders.
Contact us today! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0019h7-et31EEuives89qg4vdQjSlNg7QtBV4NzFADd2GbzKdaYa-bBirEIJ9Dwz2c64GA6MLXEvP9Ca0M20IgFuq0ScRh6lPMeTyPWOFKJQXQm-6dD88suKvzRKCRpbZzvBBCyCCrBg2Whzd5H2maCDg_4VfM_qg2d0WviH90lrli5D5BKqX-qacfdDS2V6sxuCKE3M1Nqvp_65_x8exlFPXeXehqGxT67j5vcAgMFTRDDmrZdzFdOVqrLKuBZ96K4K0_Gf3qqoHv9JoYnvWtbJPKLsBe13sjPZe0M1_wfXaI_2RdKJszrY7VOnjTlc6UesxLBThMNNh7LkLDFFjbKKkc1A4Rkaq_C]
DISC Training
(Live Webseminar)
Our DISC training programs and assessments help you identify individual personality
styles so you can hire the right people, reduce conflict, improve communication
and unleash team performance.
(Classes are conducted in four, 90-minute sessions)
June 10, 12, 17, 19
July 8, 10, 15, 17
3:00-4:30 E.T.
$1295 per person
Register now! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0019h7-et31EEsAlyTXyO4fJa9DdspMsYrs4FSaUboMjY9SX2VmJsfwPSA7sq79kVHYZhxLtroXRpW32Zd9EbFzesDdfqchelILEG2QFC-5-la0sB1qDZBMJ8WX0QqabzSh093eroWBMYYQFRI3qUFUMbbhiHrcIc0_qstiTLI08Ua1kInRyhsJktz3KGeIFNl04X0CVhX6gfapnAUuCYsl33iqVy8yZKid-iF8PhFZDUdYg0UH0QratUjKdbL3cRhycATSqH4tXHUx8oFqu2FqQPyQml0zKYnTEKtnv8yRjS1S2E0Anmxg8sdr5DBsohMe2KnlGBXAIwEtvqwVdTRxAwNawj_39EOfw_OvHWdpceaT4haS1YesVqX-RUtClX0HuGkoV_Nhx2w=]
Your registration includes over $900 in DISC training materials!
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Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212, SW | Conyers | GA | 30094
Minggu, 26 Mei 2013
Blognya Misbah
Blognya Misbah |
Solusi Wd dan Deposit di MasterForex dengan Fasapay Posted: 26 May 2013 05:42 AM PDT Setelah berita Liberty Reserve yang pemiliknya ditangkap oleh kepolisian Amerika karena pencucian uang, saat ini di masterforex sendiri masih ada alternatif deposit dan withdraw yang aman yaitu dengan menggunakan fasapay. Fasapay sendiri menggunakan verifikasi yang valid untuk keanggotaan kita yaitu dengan mengupload salah satu identitas seperti KTP, Passport ataupun SIM. Fasapay juga bisa melakukan topup, [...] |
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Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610 |
Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013
Blognya Misbah
Blognya Misbah |
Posted: 25 May 2013 04:12 AM PDT Hari jumat kemarin adalah hari yang sangat mengguncang untuk sebagian orang yang memiliki dana di Liberty Reserve, Bagaimana tidak e-currency yang sudah berdiri sejak 2002 ini dan digunakan oleh banyak pebisnis online khususnya Trading tiba-tiba down, sempat ada isu bahwa LR di serang oleh hacker tapi dibeberapa situs luar negri beredar kabar bahwa si pemilik [...] |
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Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610 |
Kamis, 23 Mei 2013
Blognya Misbah
Blognya Misbah |
Posted: 23 May 2013 01:35 AM PDT Social media kini bukan lagi sekedar ajang cuap-cuap, curhat atau malah nulis sesuatu yang ngga penting . Social media di era saat ini bisa membantu kita untuk menjadi “leverage” atau alat bantu marketing, baik produk ataupun branding, yang paling saya rasakan sangat signifikan adalah Facebook dan Twitter. Facebook sendiri punya layanan fanspage dan advertising yang [...] |
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Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610 |
Loan fund
We are seeking the attention of investors, project owners and general business facilitators.
Mubadala development company (Mubadala), is a project development and investment organization based in Abu dhabi - UAE. At the core of our strategy, Mubadala makes long term capital intensive investments to deliver strong financial returns and economic diversification. Mubadala focuses on number of areas in which it has developed significant competitive advantage, including acquisitions,
aerospace/aviation, telecommunication, technology, energy, industry, healthcare, infrastructure, real estate and service ventures.
Mubadala Development Company (Mubadala) is a catalyst for the economic diversification of Abu Dhabi. Established and owned by the Government of UAE, the organization's strategy is built on the management of Long-term capital-intensive investments that deliver strong financial returns and tangible social benefits for the Emirates.
Mubadala brings together and manages a multi-billion dollar portfolio of local, regional and international investments, which we wish to re-invest through project funding in investment loan to third party investors, project owners and general business facilitators on a 3.5% interest rate per annum on long term investment projects that can generate healthy ROI within the period.
We invite all interested project owners, Locals and Foreigners to contact the undersigned for further information on procedures for consideration.
Sincere regards,
Waleed Al Mokarrab Al Muhairi
Chief Operating Officer
Mubadala Development Company
Website: www.mubadala.com
Senin, 20 Mei 2013
The Healing Garden Gingerlily Therapy by Coty 4 Piece Set Includes: Upbeat Bath & Shower Gel 7.0 oz + Positivity Body Mist 8.0 oz + Body Pouf Sponge + Drawstring Bag
This Best Selling The Healing Garden Gingerlily Therapy by Coty 4 Piece Set Includes: Upbeat Bath & Shower Gel 7.0 oz + Positivity Body Mist 8.0 oz + Body Pouf Sponge + Drawstring Bag Tends to SELL-OUT In Short Time! If it is MUST HAVE items, make sure to Order Right Now at Amazon.com to stay off from disappointment.
Buy Coty Spa Kits and Bath & Body Gift Baskets - The Healing Garden Gingerlily Therapy by Coty 4 Piece Set : Upbeat Bath & Shower Gel 7.0 oz + Positivity Body Mist 8.0 oz + Body Pouf Sponge + Drawstring Bag
We certainly have explored the web to find the best quality prices available. Click Here to come across the best places to acquire the best price on The Healing Garden Gingerlily Therapy by Coty 4 Piece Set Includes: Upbeat Bath & Shower Gel 7.0 oz + Positivity Body Mist 8.0 oz + Body Pouf Sponge + Drawstring Bag
Jumat, 17 Mei 2013
Blognya Misbah
Blognya Misbah |
Pemuda dan Hotel Termahal di Dunia Posted: 17 May 2013 02:21 AM PDT Disebuah desa di kota antah berantah terdapat seorang pemuda yang mempunyai impian untuk bisa menginap di hotel termahal di dunia yaitu Burj Al Arab Jumairah di Dubai. Karena untuk menginap satu malam di hotel ini saja harus menghabiskan dana kira-kira $1,600/malam maka si pemuda ini mulai menabung di sebuah bank swasta. Setiap hari si pemuda [...] |
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Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL USA 60610 |
Microsoft Product Notification
Microsoft Product Update Notification
Kamis, 16 Mei 2013
Compliments of the season
Rabu, 15 Mei 2013
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This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
Selasa, 14 Mei 2013
Five Strategies for Hiring Sucess
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I trust everyone is having a productive May. Business has been brisk at Chart Your
Course International with clients looking for new ways to attract and retain top
I spoke at the Atlanta chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management's 2013
conference at the Cobb Galleria Centre, and enjoyed visiting with a variety of HR
professionals about the challenges they are facing in the workplace. Whether it's
navigating change, placing and developing employees, working to create best practices,
or collaborating across departments for organizational success- the development
of people has never been more exciting and/or complex.
Also on the horizon, we'll be hosting a FREE webinar May 30 at 3 p.m., "How to Use
Assessments to Hire, Build Teams, and Develop High-Performing People." We'll also
have a Q&A session at the end of the event and would love to see you there. Click
here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001VzDp5pYiOyiqArz5MBaLMnM3LkM2ROmDliVSI9fuDDh2mtbXVfTTSg2rqdNoy6X7zEgFV1XUaDAUrl1qAexCfR7xjdqIb1Gr1m18W0z0_-d1UWxViNLkXuGT7dqUWj-_64-iFzuO1o0SK4LAMjIVO1kiW-dRntTaeI-ecyr66h68avWQRl1Uxb21xZ2e8Ly4sPZZ0hyfxFB0dqORl4t0pnwkS9NJjpThZ6KWRc_SH4u1GzzfCsojBooH1yx8Ex96nrOJezCJf1yD1FTnrYm_fCt_TcQ8swR-fFAL7pDRR6Bnz8MXtCaj0EVMVWmRwdYcJvnLh17ggMyEXkW-b3H8yCutK5Jde9F7TK9abr642S8Q16SquqKgYg==]to
Helping you Chart Your Course!
Gregory P. Smith
President and Lead Navigator
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Five Strategies for Hiring Success
It's never been easier to find warm bodies to fill job slots. With the volume of
social media and online networking and career sites, connecting with workers is
only a matter of searching profiles or placing ads. However, it's increasingly
difficult to distinguish "the best" or even "adequate" choice for job openings or
promotions, and making a bad hire is costly.
The National Association of Colleges and Employers estimates the average cost-per-hire
in 2011 and 2012 was $5,100. Businesses with 2,500 to 5,000 employees paid the most
for new hires- around $10,000 a person. Businesses employing less than 500 workers,
paid the second most, around $7,500. The results were part of the NACE's 2012 Recruiting
Benchmarks Survey. Obviously it pays for businesses to capitalize on new hires,
which leads to the question, what is the best way to hire the right people?
Most people agree that an interview can only garner so much information about an
applicant. Interviews are a bit like first dates, and we all know how misleading
those can be. Some people interview well, some people do not. Some managers are
good interviewers, some aren't.
A study published in the American Sociological Review in 2012 found that the majority
of employers hire new employees based on how similar the applicant is to themselves.
The room for error in such a system is vast. What if you have an introvert interviewing
candidates for a sales manager position; or an extrovert interviewing people for
an analyst's position? Would they be able to pick the best person for the job,
or would they be drawn to familiarity- someone similar to themselves- and perhaps
not best suited for that job?
Or here's a twist- do generational differences influence hiring practices? As sure
as parents and grandparents shake their heads at their children, I'm sure many hiring
managers might be put off with the social norms and working styles of recent college
The key to finding the right people for the right job is to approach hiring empirically
with a sound strategy. The employer must create an actionable, repeatable process
for screening new applicants and placing them within the business. Here are five
strategies to help you improve the way you hire new employees.
1. Create a detailed job description. This is such an important and often overlooked
step. It is critical to write a detailed job description for the position you are
looking to fill- listing specific skills, responsibilities, and time and energy
requirements. I've counseled some businesses frustrated with an underperforming
worker, and after some discussion, I realized they never gave that person a clear
job description. No wonder they were underperforming; they weren't clear on what
they were supposed to be doing!
2. Review both the resume AND social and networking media outlets. I think the veil
is quickly being lifted on this one. Just a few years ago, people were still unsure
about the separation of Facebook and workplace. However, with the popularly of career-focused
social media outlets like LinkedIn and Monster, it's both convenient and ethical
to check people's history, references, profiles and online activity, without concerns
of violating their privacy.
To finish reading this article click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001VzDp5pYiOyg08sJB7htxI44_nwly63qAnDBJqcBY_MX5QcRvJ0qjasN5Y36BSktPkr4lzKNwAwWOS6t8yJRsrjaZ5etWqHVWYzt0af6Cw1wHvhaj90aS2UtDFDeIIqOtxjrDWBGxfQz9Q_Al4tCiBWNcWhUpB8IQCD3Yneh3IPJd5BVUBniiuf3pMrP2-jBrlvdvrMf_cDIguogSuGUy1n89xLT6cn27kFfJjnBLOrh-F1vDJhsLlaQvOYB7Y3BPaYLYAuDhjDFAUXkZwtPELFvik7-nPEG51hNm5PPKhwg_PechnohdetbI7joBV96-Czcjn4UNq486H4wf7PhNEenqEltmkQFRaYA3dZoDHi-TfkdzimRFCou1LPbmyLvn]!
Industry Facts and Figures
Want to improve employee retention and see savings in reduced rates of turnover?
A recent survey from The Hay Group, a global management consulting firm, found
that employers who supported their employees' work/life balance saw greater loyalty
and productivity.
The survey was conducted between 2011 and 2012, polling around five million workers
worldwide. The benefits of reduced turnover can be huge, especially for companies
with more than 10,000 workers, the Hay Group says. For these companies, reducing
turnover by 10 percent over a two-year period translated into $17.5 million in
savings! (assuming an average salary of $35,000, and an average replacement cost
of 50 percent of salary)
Gregory P. Smith
Lead Navigator
In This Issue
Feature Article
DISC Training
Books on Sale!
Save $36 with this special deal- a bundle package, which includes four of Greg's
latest and best-selling books:
* Fired Up! Leading Your Organization to Achieve Exceptional Result ($19.95)
* TNT-Dynamic Ways to Reward, Energize & Motivate Your Teams ($16.95)
* 401 Proven Ways to Retain Your Best Employees ($19.95)
* Icebreakers and Teambuilding Exercises Manual ($49.95)
Order your bundle today! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001VzDp5pYiOyjzclHqwP2gJhJaY-NYSBcg8Q0k5YlIDV2_cZiWNYXAAKcjfQtjAMqUwlqTO8UlGgMt0o4NhOLoS21hu_gyJgxFEeJ_H_FdpiO_YSWN8VfRGWwiwnso32oKYt5ATr0IQORkyVMIlY8wkrqKqrfv8qjis5-2qWsAoTAF8UnbGgJctKrO2c74wrheFC4M6fkiltYQ4Z1AsOKX89thir1pw1NzA_Nbj0D_VH6V6IhLc0cywt9M2H_z5sobug62SzsqHhsqw2rQTZ-6AuSnVZIA3LoPC-wUcdW7mH758ZsaN_mHcZuYpMpryj1_8AH2ezkyXMHn7n32q4nHGuklZmqDhGhnJBt-P2D6tGOuwWdg_XhQ4FyhH1rPG1cL]
FREE Webinar
Sign up for our FREE webinar "How to Use Assessments to Hire, Build Teams, and Develop
High Performing People."
Date: Thurs., May 30
Time: 3 p.m.
Sign me up! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001VzDp5pYiOyiqArz5MBaLMnM3LkM2ROmDliVSI9fuDDh2mtbXVfTTSg2rqdNoy6X7zEgFV1XUaDAUrl1qAexCfR7xjdqIb1Gr1m18W0z0_-d1UWxViNLkXuGT7dqUWj-_64-iFzuO1o0SK4LAMjIVO1kiW-dRntTaeI-ecyr66h68avWQRl1Uxb21xZ2e8Ly4sPZZ0hyfxFB0dqORl4t0pnwkS9NJjpThZ6KWRc_SH4u1GzzfCsojBooH1yx8Ex96nrOJezCJf1yD1FTnrYm_fCt_TcQ8swR-fFAL7pDRR6Bnz8MXtCaj0EVMVWmRwdYcJvnLh17ggMyEXkW-b3H8yCutK5Jde9F7TK9abr642S8Q16SquqKgYg==]
DISC Training
(Live Webseminar)
Our DISC training programs and assessments help you identify individual personality
styles so you can hire the right people, reduce conflict, improve communication
and unleash team performance.
(Classes are conducted in four, 90-minute sessions)
June 10, 12, 17, 19
July 8, 10, 15, 17
3:00-4:30 E.T.
$1295 per person
Register now! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001VzDp5pYiOyhxQC7glpKECwaZ0j0ADEAxT2XVlnmPX019hfVRk0XnT-h84WRM5E-M8q_e8_fomYopPQ1UVOqgMnj2m58zTMRCAvnUguPeylXapegSdfk2QEio9A_hLJnnQXqvVDDR6gdkWQNShWu16y6ZmxiyAiJCc7Mb-MB-qmGGC1-Q5BRnhKs8Teddi4oUiOdZmMBg5d44uybmXHfjh12Vp_zNAihQL_PqndSC4e_MXLlH2OqFqwNsKOu2EdyyLUAhdaQxvVP9ahl_JT14uTBTIGvD_amQ5tnxyhfoFSBlQrcd0X8LVOp6zqTzV8piCo-rKgZ42a28dj1mkBYLqdP2uVn9aV_Wj8WQdkcByw43YqjDFrO6iJbL_0glp5wJ]
Your registration includes over $900 in DISC training materials!
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for more information. Or call:
800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464
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Rabu, 08 Mei 2013
Blognya Misbah
Blognya Misbah |
Posted: 08 May 2013 03:22 AM PDT Model Vitalia Sesha mendadak menjadi pusat perhatian, bukan karena kiprahnya di dunia model, akan tetapi karena dugaan keterlibatannya dengan tersangka kasus korupsi suap daging impor Ahmad Fathanah. Lalu sebenarnya siapa Vitalia Sesha? Vitalia Sesha berkenalan dengan Ahmad Fatanah setelah dikenalkan dengan seorang temanya pada bulan november 2012, Vita pada saat itu hanya sekedar berkenalan dan [...] |
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Jumat, 03 Mei 2013
How to Choose an Organic Shampoo
This article was created by a professional writer and edited by experienced copy editors, both qualified members of the Demand Media Studios community. All articles go through an editorial process that includes subject matter guidelines, plagiarism review, fact-checking, and other steps in an effort to provide reliable information. ... especially when you are constantly bombarded by advertisements of hair care brands claiming to be the best. ... Homemade Organic Shampoo;... A quick glance at the ingredients listed on most bottles of shampoo or conditioner can be a frightening experience. Many hair products... You find yourself with a smelly dog and an empty bottle of dog shampoo. However, you do have a big bottle of... If you've always washed your hair with liquid shampoos, you may not have heard of organic solid shampoos as a more eco-friendly... A few of the common ingredients found in organic shampoos include organic tea tree oils, chamomile, vitamin E, vitamin B5, soy protein, citric acid, rock salt and coconut oil. While those are common ingredients found in organic shampoo they are not the only ingredients used, so always be familiar with the ingredients in the shampoo you use. What Are the Benefits of Organic Cosmetics?. Choosing the proper makeup for your skin type is often a chore. With hundreds of... Products infused with tea tree oil have long been regarded for their natural therapeutic properties. When applied topically, tea tree oil will... When someone mentions organic, fruits or vegetables typically come to mind first, not shampoo. However, most shampoos sold in drug, grocery or... Organic, green, natural, eco-friendly--these are just a few of the terms you may see today on beauty products. Healthful, natural products are... For women, having thinning hair can be irritating and embarrassing. Thinning hair can be caused by several factors. These include your overall... Peel, pit and mash an avocado. Slowly blend it with 1 cup of coconut milk in a bowl. This creates another single use conditioner. Apply to hair and leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse and shampoo. Hair conditioner is an important part of a hair care regimen as it replaces moisture that's removed when hair is washed. Conditioner... Add 10 drops of Vitamin E oil to the mixture and blend in a blender at high speed for two minutes. This creates a single application of conditioner. Apply it to hair and massage in. Leave it on for several minutes for extra moisturizing. Rinse and shampoo after use. There are many reasons to make homemade, natural shampoo. Commercial shampoos contain harmful ingredients and additives. Many people are allergic to certain... How to Make Goat Milk Shampoo & Conditioners at Home; How to Make Your Own Natural Shampoo; Print this article; ... There... Hair Care Products; ... How to Make Natural Shampoo. ... You can make your own homemade soap from scratch with olive oil... Homemade hair treatments are easily made from ingredients including egg yolks, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, jojoba oil and essential... Dogs need regular bathing to keep them clean, keep their coats healthy and wash away any unwanted odors. Synthetic, chemically formulated shampoos...