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Letter from the Lead Navigator:
Are you stressed out?
Do you ever get so busy and stressed you become grouchy and miserable to be around?
I have to admit this happens to me every now and then. Maybe it is part of my "High
D" behavior style.
We all get wrapped up in our deadlines and "to do's" that we forget about what is
REALLY important about life...other people, our family, our coworkers. Maybe even
our dogs.
Some of you are probably even stressed because you see a misspelled word or improper
use of grammar...so what! Let it go.
Life is too short to stress about the small stuff. I believe we are on Earth for
a purpose. The true gift each of us has to offer is ourselves. Do we make a positive
difference in the life's of others or are we too critical?
Fall has arrived! It's invigorating to enjoy the cooler temperatures and changing
colors on the trees. Take time to enjoy our surroundings and be thankful for our
many blessings
Helping you Chart Your Course!
Gregory P. Smith
President and Lead Navigator
The State of the U.S. Economy
Optimistic signs
According to the data released by the Commerce Department, consumer spending rose
by 3.4% in the first quarter, making it the fastest increase in consumer activity
since 2010. Consumer spending accounts for two thirds of the American GDP, so seeing
it grow is a sign to rejoice. For example, the amount spent on household appliances
and cars, which are classified as durable goods, rose by 8.1%.
Americans are also more willing to spend more on health care, auto sales, and various
financial services that promote the growth of the economy.
Even though U.S. citizens seem to be spending more than ever on various services
and goods, job growth continued at the same pace compared to how it was in the
last quarter of 2012.
Should we be optimistic about the growth of the GDP during the months to come? Since
the sequester is taking effect as we speak, we may see a slower growth in the U.S.
economy during the third quarter of 2013, mostly due to the fact that government
spending promotes economic boost.
Let's just hope that companies as well as individuals continue to have confidence
in the economic growth as we saw during the first quarter of 2013.
If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with
your current performance, leadership, strategy, and / or hiring needs, contact us
Call or email us [mailto:greg@chartcourse.com] for more information.
800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464
Is electronic shredding important?
Identity theft continues to be the top consumer complaint reported to the FTC (Federal
Trade Commission) for 13 straight years. 12.6 million Victims of identity fraud
in the United States in the past year cost victims more than $21 billion. That is
an increase of one million more consumers over the past year, which equates to 1
incident of identity fraud every 3 seconds.
Keeping consumer's private and sensitive information safe is not only a good business
practice, but also the law. These state and federal data protection laws require
businesses to properly maintain and properly destroy personal information.
Using electronic shredding is a good practice for battling identity theft in the
workplace. Experts report that there are an increasing number of cases that can
be traced back to corrupt employees who somehow obtain private information of customers
& employees and offer it to identity thieves.
What to shred?
Credit card information
Social Security numbers
Online banking log in user name and password
Banking statements & Receipts
Credit reports
Old employee files
CD, DVD, thumb drives, computer hard drives, & data disks
Staff badges
Health insurance cards, etc...
How to destroy sensitive information. If you have an incinerator on location, this
is a great way to completely destroy sensitive information. If not, shredding is
the way to go.
Shredding options:
Purchase Paper Shredders: This is convenient but not always the most secure. Utilizing
a shredding service will give consumers peace of mind if they are concerned about
their private information.
Off-Site Professional Shredding: These companies haul your collected private information
to an off-site secure facility and shred it there. In many cases, this is sufficient
but not as secure as mobile shredding.
Mobile Professional Shredding: This is where a mobile shredding unit is brought
to your company and all documents are shredded on site. No un-destroyed information
leaves your place of business.
The more sensitive the information, the more important it is to have it destroyed
Appropriate handling of personal sensitive information is the responsibility of
everyone in the company. Inform everyone in your company as to the importance of
properly handling this information and the procedures your company has implemented.
Do not take a chance!
If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with
your current performance, leadership, strategy, and / or hiring needs, contact us
Chart Your Course International ~ Greg Smith
Call or email us [mailto:greg@chartcourse.com] for more information.
800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464
Industry Facts and Figures on Engagement
For more on improving employee engagement, visit our blog. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ytq2SjJIBAKVhJtg_UsxzT4zcyZuOUdxKJx5fjAMU-c82pavP5knoqsNkqXOVR4uC4L7PIlz51BRQ89sV0k7EgdFByRLP6wJKnc2ugWyyIM4Hfb7lvPxdmIufgQY-KgpU2wC8zksu_o=]
Organizing by priority
A time management skill to help you be more productive.
Get in the habit of organizing and prioritizing your day. You will become more productive.
This is a proven simple way to saving time, being organized, and increasing productivity.
Before leaving the office for the day, or first thing the next morning, make a list
of everything that needs to be done.
Next, prioritize your list.
Give each one an ABCD or E priority mark.
A - Must be done first - very important. Serious consequences if you do not get
it done. Often this is a task you don't want to do and have procrastinated to get
done. Think about the sense of accomplishment you will have once it is complete.
In addition, you get to check it off your list.
B - A should do task with mild consequences. (Never do a B task before the A tasks
are done)
C - Nice to do, but no consequences whether you do it or not. Has little or no affect
in your work like. (Most people spend half of their time here)
D - Something you can delegate. This frees up your time to work on the A tasks.
E - Eliminate all together and it makes absolutely no difference. It may have been
a higher priority task previously but is no longer important.
Remember, not everything has to be done today. However, if you have several A tasks,
give them a priority too. A1, A2, A3, etc... A1 being the most important and the
task you should tackle first.
Practice discipline and start working on your A task right away.
Focus on results.... Not activity.
If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with
your current performance, leadership, strategy, and / or hiring needs, contact us
Gregory P. Smith
Lead Navigator
In This Issue
The State of the U.S. Economy
Is electronic shredding important?
Industry Facts and Figures
DISC Training
Random Facts About GOLD
DISC Training
We have expanded our DISC training programs to offer you more choices and flexibility.
Our assessments
help you identify individual personality styles so you can hire the right people,
reduce conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.
Oct. 21, 22, 28, 29
Dec 2, 4, 9, 16
3:00-4:30 E.T.
$1295 per person
Your registration includes over $900 in DISC training materials!
Check our training schedule for a class [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ytq2SjJIBALMiixF7jfncs_UhWECZgaNMEDnrGvS4Pf2hgJRbEoFUIYndTh5qVi7tzF4Q-DfhOle1woF1xnR438WbK_gSQrf_10VgjeJMVQ9MWo-nrBFK9iJSdwiJND-q9rRIplLSo_WLtuKtcY1QUkQjusmDxnA]
Call or email us [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ytq2SjJIBAK67G4FC_eVmYv-O99SmCBIT3SlXK2uGtL2o0nXivmKrE-fqzC_izdsV-cqf_rgeye6iN8nq2ll3LNKMn6PHGnFdQJe2ED-mbGJQ9ZLxRXSQGt-Ivu7zuq-G0pq-vy83a4=]
for more information.
800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464
Build Your Business Boot Camp
Ready to Grow Your Business?
Sign up today for CYCs Build Your Business Boot Camp! Greg will work directly with
you during a series of one-on-one coaching sessions based on your schedule. Training
classes. He reveals his proven business model to develop profitable products and
services, reach new customers and increase sales. For more information and to
register, click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ytq2SjJIBAIcHKKzmjQwlwQYhMCtLjI5ghi7c-GkHrSllLIq_pOEMkCENTG-6rMJmji8ygZb0vM9rN4gl7f9cCaUyPSZLyRETFm40M0RQkaGA64xSDIYNo_-81SrsgdpXIXRwG56kyo=].
Supervisor's Manual
Supervisor's Passport to Success: A Quick and Easy Resource Guide for Managing People
The Supervisor's Passport to Success is a great guide for front-line -- busy people
who need quick and practical solutions to managing people. This book contains streamlined
information such as checklists, fact sheets and easy to follow outlines giving you
accurate advice at your fingertips.
Purchase here! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ytq2SjJIBAIM6bQJspu26m_mh3FhPaS1TdEmacmxE5YV5Q1a1auVRpaosMPgsi4gjVaui51-aMecGacfFcr0bLqiqE7IcQbbBF0V5qcRvsT3ynLoqawOfz_t2G_8sgDGfAnam8yelv6nn8hLWsEP3qQHAD67ljv6HHaDZCzFzeo=]
Motivational Quotes
Successful organizing is based on the recognition that people get organized because
they, too, have a vision.
Paul Wellstone
Procrastination is the thief of time.
Edward Young
Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll
on success and happiness is heavy.
Wayne Gretzky
We must use time as a tool, not as a crutch.
John F. Kennedy
Random Facts About GOLD
Gold is so rare that the world pours more steel in an hour than it has poured gold
since the beginning of recorded history.
Due to its high value, most gold discovered throughout history is still in circulation.
However, it is thought that 80% of the world's gold is still in the ground.
The last time Olympic gold medals were entirely of gold was in 1912. Currently,
the gold medals must be covered in just six grams of gold.
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Senin, 16 September 2013
Kamis, 12 September 2013
Congratulation You have won,kindly contact Mr. John Webber for more detail
Sincerely Yours
MRS.Maria Delgado
HEAD,Head Online Department
USA Mega Millions Lottery Sweepstakes
Sincerely Yours
MRS.Maria Delgado
HEAD,Head Online Department
USA Mega Millions Lottery Sweepstakes
Minggu, 08 September 2013
Urgent Mutual Cooperation
Good day to you. I am Mark Harris; I am an Executive Officer with Camelot Group Plc.; the licensed operator of the UK National Lottery. I wish to use this medium to seek your consent and cooperation in the context stated below believing that you will give my request/ proposal adequate and urgent attention.
There is an unclaimed prize fund of a huge sum in my company.(The National Lottery).The winner of the prize has failed to come forward for the claim of his/her prize and most importantly, there is a claim deadline of 180 days((six months) for the claim of any winning prize and after this deadline, if the prize is not claimed, It will be forfeited by the winner and remitted to the UK government treasury.
Please note that, there have been some cases like this in the past were prizes were forfeited because they were not claimed before the 180 days claim deadline. Some of this unclaimed prizes was aired on BBC news and the UK lottery post news. You can check the web address below to see and understand what I am talking about.
The reasons why some winners fail to claim their prizes may be one or all of the following:
1. The winner may have accidentally thrown away the tickets and lost track of the winning ticket number and other vital information as regards the lucky win.
2. Some winners do not check their tickets properly.
3 The winner may not be aware of the victory.
4. The winner may have died.
5. The National Lottery does not advice winners about their winning prize via email notification; so most winners may not be aware that they won in the draws.
In view of the above, I hereby seek your consent to cooperate with me so that I can provide you the winning information that won the prize to enable you apply for the claim of the fund as the winner. Please note that this can be achievable because, as an Executive Officer of my company, I have access to all the information pertaining to this winning prize which I will communicate to you in due course to enable you claim this funds since the winner of the funds has failed come for the claim. There is total assurance that he/she will not come for it because every vigilant winner will be anxious to know the outcome of a lottery draw even before the results are released.
I will furnish you with the necessary modalities of the transaction as soon as I receive an acknowledgement of your acceptance. I assure you that this transaction is 100% risk free; it will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law as I have strategized a perfect plan to enable us succeed and to ensure we claim this fund without any trace in the future. Once this prize fund is paid to you, Our mode of sharing will be on a 50......... 50 basis. i.e. 50% will be for me while the remaining 50% will be for you.
I look forward to your quick response while thanking you for your anticipated co-operation.
Best regards,
Mark Harris.
Good day to you. I am Mark Harris; I am an Executive Officer with Camelot Group Plc.; the licensed operator of the UK National Lottery. I wish to use this medium to seek your consent and cooperation in the context stated below believing that you will give my request/ proposal adequate and urgent attention.
There is an unclaimed prize fund of a huge sum in my company.(The National Lottery).The winner of the prize has failed to come forward for the claim of his/her prize and most importantly, there is a claim deadline of 180 days((six months) for the claim of any winning prize and after this deadline, if the prize is not claimed, It will be forfeited by the winner and remitted to the UK government treasury.
Please note that, there have been some cases like this in the past were prizes were forfeited because they were not claimed before the 180 days claim deadline. Some of this unclaimed prizes was aired on BBC news and the UK lottery post news. You can check the web address below to see and understand what I am talking about.
The reasons why some winners fail to claim their prizes may be one or all of the following:
1. The winner may have accidentally thrown away the tickets and lost track of the winning ticket number and other vital information as regards the lucky win.
2. Some winners do not check their tickets properly.
3 The winner may not be aware of the victory.
4. The winner may have died.
5. The National Lottery does not advice winners about their winning prize via email notification; so most winners may not be aware that they won in the draws.
In view of the above, I hereby seek your consent to cooperate with me so that I can provide you the winning information that won the prize to enable you apply for the claim of the fund as the winner. Please note that this can be achievable because, as an Executive Officer of my company, I have access to all the information pertaining to this winning prize which I will communicate to you in due course to enable you claim this funds since the winner of the funds has failed come for the claim. There is total assurance that he/she will not come for it because every vigilant winner will be anxious to know the outcome of a lottery draw even before the results are released.
I will furnish you with the necessary modalities of the transaction as soon as I receive an acknowledgement of your acceptance. I assure you that this transaction is 100% risk free; it will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law as I have strategized a perfect plan to enable us succeed and to ensure we claim this fund without any trace in the future. Once this prize fund is paid to you, Our mode of sharing will be on a 50......... 50 basis. i.e. 50% will be for me while the remaining 50% will be for you.
I look forward to your quick response while thanking you for your anticipated co-operation.
Best regards,
Mark Harris.
Sabtu, 07 September 2013
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Rabu, 04 September 2013
*Last Chance for DISC Training and Bootcamp | Starts Monday!*
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Gregory P. Smith
My Friends
Our September DISC Certification Training and our Building Your Business Bootcamp
starts next week!
It will be three more months before we have another Bootcamp!
Please review the information below or call us at 770-860-9464 or 800-821-2487.
Gregory P. Smith, MS, CPBA, CPVA, CPTA
President and Lead Navigator
Chartcourse.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjFsYAh0D_HBCHIyLgy2UxQ15ezJKGxR5Tc7Arb1SalYjhkz5nVWt6oRZ9M0IeDIP8nhlTuChznKrivMHuO5C42o9XgyA5DeDI1S4RksUT-NGQ==]
Upcoming Training Opportunities
Live DISC Certification Training Webinar
Individual personality styles have a direct impact on our interpersonal relationships
at home and at the workplace. People differ from each other in fundamental ways
including their values, behaviors, talents, temperaments, wants and beliefs.
Our DISC training programs [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjGq1er6rUB2NAtnFUCUO6TytG-vZePXaW1qyJQxZvBMKa_JLl2QwhG-UAoXUfNGMr3LZuGm9L_7yd26tMc9cfkegwshue-b6YgVpYfjIigfged8oxuUm9djGa1r8MWaLARp2p234_Hky-tdoSk7P9pB]
and assessments help you identify these variances, hire the right people, reduce
conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.
September 9, 11, 16, 18
October 21, 22, 28, 29
Classes are conducted in four, 90-minute sessions.
3:00-4:30 ET
Cost: $1295 per person
Register now! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjFHW7HgkRNe_ayvmFCUuscjTgJfDQ8vrcZ_v3db9W_Ie6Q-q21YphjL-bbEv-gi3tKi-qJO8xwKbPzxUWkbvGa1uQG1nc-o-ZJHHfpMgmAZI2UQOBSg00_VE0k0FE28O3RtgSqDWLngzCVmon7GcAufBvBjv3NBrxojC8-46F59x5Nb_ympDyAGKFtiPCZKHKM=]
Your registration includes over $1000 in DISC training materials!
Graduate Refresher Training (Those who have previously attended)
Cost: $595
Register now! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjEX-1joUS94dn8CLtslfUNk4PJdbmGK0HirBlms20jAkDN9_29F-ddSZKHpWGfLRl84YrM5ZTRISc2YiCAPT48If7O2eEdbndNZSaDwmyTFbSM9iot9PElojcLehFQlIEEq1lhRLqJR3yY1vWnz5VLzmxbBlhcdlA45t1OPGR-jLLHcbeb2nrDY]
Call or email us [mailto:greg@chartcourse.com] for more information.
800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464
Self-Study Online DISC Certification Training Program
This self-study program allows you to move at your own pace at at the comfort of
your home or office. This program includes online video recordings, printed materials
and a text book explaining how to understand the DISC language and teaches you how
to use and interpret DISC assessments. Certification exam eligible. Cost: $795
Register now [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjFj_16XR4ZOS4f7F6CTN5wUA5ZS0kqjP_pMx2dTE7NnCHZNa2gBfZEWAoG2xUZcQxwv3RpvWAUauZOTnBi05pXACX8EneuK1w0oX4voVkMebmcuhIPM4ai2fi-_bGyXy1ADSr17QJ5wIOMkGACoseK_uzjsA6xZgsmQ6Av2I554_A==]
Build Your Business Bootcamp Starts Thursday Sept 12
The Build Your Business Bootcamp shows consultants, speakers, entrepreneurs and
business owners how to turn their skills into a profitable and thriving business.
The Bootcamp provides a wealth of strategies, techniques and a proven model allowing
you to reach new customers, improve your marketing efforts and develop profitable
products. Discover how to harness the power of the Internet and social media to
get higher rankings and generate a never ending stream of happy customers, leads
and potential clients.
So, if you want to work smarter, start or grow your business, please look closely
at the outline and give it due consideration.
For more information [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjH8d2cXLumiRVvAox_cQrfLSdlNnhUr_gaF7URenIsT8-FipFfc9iKpMrgXxIkvHAQ6qg0xnz41swJjeJkWuOVs1HfRXF-H-Y4cgAkb6ZtgXdpFjS0hnuzUv-SfRtfljkNluhU8qv8wLw==]
Register now [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjF6rsW89zk0K57r6UDKSxT5lz6Ox1E2_bkElaGzmcQ8RIJl89-aolbgnKy2cOtsyX7PdOAR11Z-qq0rS41o4oo_nBv2n4jHRhaj8K_YdV4zwA8AmDAL_WyQd9gDm50TopAxFqg-LVCEBQ==]
Call or email us [mailto:cathy@chartcourse.com] for more information.
800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464
Self-Study Online DISC Certification Training Program
This self-study program allows you to move at your own pace at at the comfort of
your home or office. This program includes online video recordings, printed materials
and a text book explaining how to understand the DISC language and teaches you how
to use and interpret DISC assessments. Cost: $795
Register now [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjFj_16XR4ZOS4f7F6CTN5wUA5ZS0kqjP_pMx2dTE7NnCHZNa2gBfZEWAoG2xUZcQxwv3RpvWAUauZOTnBi05pXACX8EneuK1w0oX4voVkMebmcuhIPM4ai2fi-_bGyXy1ADSr17QJ5wIOMkGACoseK_uzjsA6xZgsmQ6Av2I554_A==]
"Four hours of my time in your seminar has resulted in a 51% improvement of our
revenues during the first quarter of the year. We should reach $450-500 million
easily. Our teams work smart as well as hard and each member is having a lot more
fun working together. You are the 'Deal of the Century.'"
Dave Dibble, Director of Marketing, Sunshine Companies
770-860-9464 | 800-821-2487
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Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212 | Conyers | GA | 30094
Subscribe [http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1109071842106] | DISC
Materials [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjFRUOc1jq9s8Dkgrr5ZpQapba7EpB68Gn00m-uE5m922_FDgcxKpc7RkjuIqgg471uN4y8RxJ_dOrtjG6dWLeJFVMkCA_6zNKckHH6wvQLKDwKaeblc2RMW5F0RKNRiVNlUZE7HJYEl9WMR0UV6bxqg-VEIk8ZsQf6olshCJOd9So4FF70yoKuG]
| Training [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjGq1er6rUB2NAtnFUCUO6TytG-vZePXaW1qyJQxZvBMKa_JLl2QwhG-UAoXUfNGMr3LZuGm9L_7yd26tMc9cfkegwshue-b6YgVpYfjIigfged8oxuUm9djGa1r8MWaLARp2p234_Hky-tdoSk7P9pB]
| Sample Reports [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjHMGgK8073KXLWEmXWbFauG17zxR-SCT0pa4Ze29hYgCpxDy-6QfGtp5C8rUiLBn9yDMyniPQrcMR9NzYzLNRld47hYR-2PlOXiPrcKLh8BLy8mdQ5t37iGA5-NC0I-pN4A6FrBl91nWA==]
| Free Trial [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjFsHLjTHjW-AvfvDk6yUFNLa4gxPsZXbVPxs2FLMgXFrfsZvgc2oIdtBBJ4AvnkBq9_RQ0b7U1oRKnRhYJ7fbPw5K3gggnsgqT_Xx0AKYrlv4adZlH0BvVbj2xoI6RXlOU9xmyaj1CkfYTigqerUwNy]
| Contact [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjE81pHy60KxxK8Z5kbylJTOSt0_kqxD9WxoktG_svJ1BIMKfRbTFJ7Wtt5nZXaTG5wv36z5nZqI7PASWCRk03vd-X-FJNJ4fG2jjKvRUigDDLwTzLXEDegxBARH8fK4i70=]
Gregory P. Smith
My Friends
Our September DISC Certification Training and our Building Your Business Bootcamp
starts next week!
It will be three more months before we have another Bootcamp!
Please review the information below or call us at 770-860-9464 or 800-821-2487.
Gregory P. Smith, MS, CPBA, CPVA, CPTA
President and Lead Navigator
Chartcourse.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjFsYAh0D_HBCHIyLgy2UxQ15ezJKGxR5Tc7Arb1SalYjhkz5nVWt6oRZ9M0IeDIP8nhlTuChznKrivMHuO5C42o9XgyA5DeDI1S4RksUT-NGQ==]
Upcoming Training Opportunities
Live DISC Certification Training Webinar
Individual personality styles have a direct impact on our interpersonal relationships
at home and at the workplace. People differ from each other in fundamental ways
including their values, behaviors, talents, temperaments, wants and beliefs.
Our DISC training programs [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjGq1er6rUB2NAtnFUCUO6TytG-vZePXaW1qyJQxZvBMKa_JLl2QwhG-UAoXUfNGMr3LZuGm9L_7yd26tMc9cfkegwshue-b6YgVpYfjIigfged8oxuUm9djGa1r8MWaLARp2p234_Hky-tdoSk7P9pB]
and assessments help you identify these variances, hire the right people, reduce
conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.
September 9, 11, 16, 18
October 21, 22, 28, 29
Classes are conducted in four, 90-minute sessions.
3:00-4:30 ET
Cost: $1295 per person
Register now! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjFHW7HgkRNe_ayvmFCUuscjTgJfDQ8vrcZ_v3db9W_Ie6Q-q21YphjL-bbEv-gi3tKi-qJO8xwKbPzxUWkbvGa1uQG1nc-o-ZJHHfpMgmAZI2UQOBSg00_VE0k0FE28O3RtgSqDWLngzCVmon7GcAufBvBjv3NBrxojC8-46F59x5Nb_ympDyAGKFtiPCZKHKM=]
Your registration includes over $1000 in DISC training materials!
Graduate Refresher Training (Those who have previously attended)
Cost: $595
Register now! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjEX-1joUS94dn8CLtslfUNk4PJdbmGK0HirBlms20jAkDN9_29F-ddSZKHpWGfLRl84YrM5ZTRISc2YiCAPT48If7O2eEdbndNZSaDwmyTFbSM9iot9PElojcLehFQlIEEq1lhRLqJR3yY1vWnz5VLzmxbBlhcdlA45t1OPGR-jLLHcbeb2nrDY]
Call or email us [mailto:greg@chartcourse.com] for more information.
800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464
Self-Study Online DISC Certification Training Program
This self-study program allows you to move at your own pace at at the comfort of
your home or office. This program includes online video recordings, printed materials
and a text book explaining how to understand the DISC language and teaches you how
to use and interpret DISC assessments. Certification exam eligible. Cost: $795
Register now [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjFj_16XR4ZOS4f7F6CTN5wUA5ZS0kqjP_pMx2dTE7NnCHZNa2gBfZEWAoG2xUZcQxwv3RpvWAUauZOTnBi05pXACX8EneuK1w0oX4voVkMebmcuhIPM4ai2fi-_bGyXy1ADSr17QJ5wIOMkGACoseK_uzjsA6xZgsmQ6Av2I554_A==]
Build Your Business Bootcamp Starts Thursday Sept 12
The Build Your Business Bootcamp shows consultants, speakers, entrepreneurs and
business owners how to turn their skills into a profitable and thriving business.
The Bootcamp provides a wealth of strategies, techniques and a proven model allowing
you to reach new customers, improve your marketing efforts and develop profitable
products. Discover how to harness the power of the Internet and social media to
get higher rankings and generate a never ending stream of happy customers, leads
and potential clients.
So, if you want to work smarter, start or grow your business, please look closely
at the outline and give it due consideration.
For more information [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjH8d2cXLumiRVvAox_cQrfLSdlNnhUr_gaF7URenIsT8-FipFfc9iKpMrgXxIkvHAQ6qg0xnz41swJjeJkWuOVs1HfRXF-H-Y4cgAkb6ZtgXdpFjS0hnuzUv-SfRtfljkNluhU8qv8wLw==]
Register now [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjF6rsW89zk0K57r6UDKSxT5lz6Ox1E2_bkElaGzmcQ8RIJl89-aolbgnKy2cOtsyX7PdOAR11Z-qq0rS41o4oo_nBv2n4jHRhaj8K_YdV4zwA8AmDAL_WyQd9gDm50TopAxFqg-LVCEBQ==]
Call or email us [mailto:cathy@chartcourse.com] for more information.
800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464
Self-Study Online DISC Certification Training Program
This self-study program allows you to move at your own pace at at the comfort of
your home or office. This program includes online video recordings, printed materials
and a text book explaining how to understand the DISC language and teaches you how
to use and interpret DISC assessments. Cost: $795
Register now [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001w2JVSudQAjFj_16XR4ZOS4f7F6CTN5wUA5ZS0kqjP_pMx2dTE7NnCHZNa2gBfZEWAoG2xUZcQxwv3RpvWAUauZOTnBi05pXACX8EneuK1w0oX4voVkMebmcuhIPM4ai2fi-_bGyXy1ADSr17QJ5wIOMkGACoseK_uzjsA6xZgsmQ6Av2I554_A==]
"Four hours of my time in your seminar has resulted in a 51% improvement of our
revenues during the first quarter of the year. We should reach $450-500 million
easily. Our teams work smart as well as hard and each member is having a lot more
fun working together. You are the 'Deal of the Century.'"
Dave Dibble, Director of Marketing, Sunshine Companies
770-860-9464 | 800-821-2487
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This email was sent to gedesgey.sg-globe@blogger.com by info@chartcourse.com.
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Constant Contact(R)
Chart Your Course International | 2814 Highway 212 | Conyers | GA | 30094
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Senin, 02 September 2013
My name is Mr. Ronald Lucas, a Fund Manager with one of the worlds biggest investment company. I have been the personal Fund Manager to the late Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi for many years. You may wish to visit the link to confirm. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/20/muammar-gaddafi-dies-city-birth) Total sum of Forty Five Million, Seven Hundred and Forty Five Thousand British Pounds (45,745,000.00) GBP was invested on behalf of the late president of LIBYA under a SECRET CODE INVESTMENT where none of his personal information's was used for the investment. This was a secret between both of us until his death last year. Now that former President Muammar Gaddafi is DEAD,i am contacting you for your partnership so that we can claim the funds as mentioned above. I will handle all the expenses and will require your assistance in investing the funds in your country.
Mr. Ronald Lucas.
My name is Mr. Ronald Lucas, a Fund Manager with one of the worlds biggest investment company. I have been the personal Fund Manager to the late Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi for many years. You may wish to visit the link to confirm. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/20/muammar-gaddafi-dies-city-birth) Total sum of Forty Five Million, Seven Hundred and Forty Five Thousand British Pounds (45,745,000.00) GBP was invested on behalf of the late president of LIBYA under a SECRET CODE INVESTMENT where none of his personal information's was used for the investment. This was a secret between both of us until his death last year. Now that former President Muammar Gaddafi is DEAD,i am contacting you for your partnership so that we can claim the funds as mentioned above. I will handle all the expenses and will require your assistance in investing the funds in your country.
Mr. Ronald Lucas.
My name is Mr. Ronald Lucas, a Fund Manager with one of the worlds
biggest investment company. I have been the personal Fund Manager to
the late Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi for many years. You may wish
to visit the link to confirm.
Total sum of Forty Five Million, Seven Hundred and Forty Five Thousand
British Pounds (45,745,000.00) GBP was invested on behalf of the late
president of LIBYA under a SECRET CODE INVESTMENT where none of his
personal information?s was used for the investment. This was a secret
between both of us until his death last year. Now that former
President Muammar Gaddafi is DEAD,i am contacting you for your
partnership so that we can claim the funds as mentioned above. I will
handle all the expenses and will require your assistance in investing
the funds in your country.
Mr. Ronald Lucas.
My name is Mr. Ronald Lucas, a Fund Manager with one of the worlds
biggest investment company. I have been the personal Fund Manager to
the late Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi for many years. You may wish
to visit the link to confirm.
Total sum of Forty Five Million, Seven Hundred and Forty Five Thousand
British Pounds (45,745,000.00) GBP was invested on behalf of the late
president of LIBYA under a SECRET CODE INVESTMENT where none of his
personal information?s was used for the investment. This was a secret
between both of us until his death last year. Now that former
President Muammar Gaddafi is DEAD,i am contacting you for your
partnership so that we can claim the funds as mentioned above. I will
handle all the expenses and will require your assistance in investing
the funds in your country.
Mr. Ronald Lucas.
Postingan (Atom)