Selasa, 29 Juli 2014
Contract Project
Pleased to be shared in your connection as friend. How are you, your family and professional life?
Am very sorry if I may have invaded your privacy. I deem it fit to contact you after going through your profile on LinkedIn, regards to an important consultation. My company (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company) is presently seeking for the services of a reliable person or organization to contract as international agent in Africa. Following my company's quest for competent Company or Individual from Africa who can handle the One Year Contract Project, for the supply of "Oil Pipeline Steel Glue" from Africa based manufacturers to Port Louis, Mauritius. I want to recommend you to my company for this position, let me know if you can handle a product supply contract, if you are interested I will link you to the Contract Department with a recommendation, for direct communication and to give you more details of the contract supply project.
Insha Allah,
Hammad Rahan
Jumat, 25 Juli 2014
Selasa, 08 Juli 2014
Navigator Newsletter: How to Attract Top Talent for Your Team

Investment Partnershipr
Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014
Esso UK Limited,
registered in England under company number 1589650,
ExxonMobil House
Ermyn Way Leatherhead
Surrey, KT22 8UX .
After my personal inquiry from your profile. I found your profile very interesting and decided to reach you directly to ask for your assistance and guidelines in making a business investment and transfer. Before I continue, let me stress that I am NOT contacting you for financial assistance. Am an Engineer with Exxon Mobil in London
I and my colleagues are officials in charge of offshore remittance in this establishment. We are seeking your assistance to move of [GBP £25,000,000.00] TWENTY FIVE MILLION POUNDS STERLING] to your account/country for further private investment.
This contract has been completely executed and the original contractors have been paid their entire contract sum. We have agreed to give you 30% because it is impossible for us to claim the amount here in London without foreign collaboration. 10% has been mapped out for any miscellaneous expenses incurred by either party during this business such as taxation in your country upon arrival of the funds into your account, and 60% for my colleagues and myself.
All modalities to move this money have been worked out. This transaction is 100% risk free but requires 100 percent confidentiality. I will let you have the details in my next message, but in summary, the fund would be moved to you from the financial institution where it is presently deposited as soon as you agree to participate and receive this fund on our behalf.
Upon the receipt of this message, feel free to send to me the following to enable us start the process:
(1) Your Full Name
(2) Complete Address
(3) Telephone
(4) Profession
Thanks and best regards in anticipation of your response.
Best Regards,
Dr. Green Christopher
Jumat, 04 Juli 2014
Investment Partnership
Kamis, 03 Juli 2014
Esso UK Limited,
registered in England under company number 1589650,
ExxonMobil House
Ermyn Way Leatherhead
Surrey, KT22 8UX .
After my personal inquiry from your profile. I found your profile very interesting and decided to reach you directly to ask for your assistance and guidelines in making a business investment and transfer. Before I continue, let me stress that I am NOT contacting you for financial assistance. Am an Engineer with Exxon Mobil in London
I and my colleagues are officials in charge of offshore remittance in this establishment. We are seeking your assistance to move of [GBP £25,000,000.00] TWENTY FIVE MILLION POUNDS STERLING] to your account/country for further private investment.
This contract has been completely executed and the original contractors have been paid their entire contract sum. We have agreed to give you 30% because it is impossible for us to claim the amount here in London without foreign collaboration. 10% has been mapped out for any miscellaneous expenses incurred by either party during this business such as taxation in your country upon arrival of the funds into your account, and 60% for my colleagues and myself.
All modalities to move this money have been worked out. This transaction is 100% risk free but requires 100 percent confidentiality. I will let you have the details in my next message, but in summary, the fund would be moved to you from the financial institution where it is presently deposited as soon as you agree to participate and receive this fund on our behalf.
Upon the receipt of this message, feel free to send to me the following to enable us start the process:
(1) Your Full Name
(2) Complete Address
(3) Telephone
(4) Profession
Thanks and best regards in anticipation of your response.
Best Regards,
Dr. Green Christopher