Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Three Steps to Create Optimism in the Workplace

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Greg Smith
Lead Navigator



It's been a busy two weeks at Chart Your Course, packed with travel and some great
speaking engagements. On the horizon, a mission trip to Diriamba, Nicaragua, Nov.
2-8, with my son. We will be working with a group of 18 men to build 12 houses in
four days for people in need. It's an exhilarating, tangible way I enjoy paying
forward the blessings I've had in my life. If you would like to learn more about
the trip or to contribute,

click here [].

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Gregory P. Smith

President and Lead Navigator

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Three Steps to Create Optimism in the Workplace

If you talk about optimism, you'll find no shortage of quotes, clichés, proverbs
or stories to guide you. Optimism is the original American dream: the hope of every
student, new parent, entrepreneur, fledgling small business or politician. It's
why we root for the underdog or follow a good football, baseball or soccer game.
The belief that "Excellence is not a skill; it's an attitude," said Ralph Marston,
or "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity
in every difficulty," said Winston Churchill.

So where does optimism fit in your business? How can it help you be a better leader,
or to motivate your employees? Science has shown that optimistic people heal faster,
perform better, live longer and report more happiness and fulfillment in their lives.
Optimistic employees work harder, longer and with a more innovative spirit. Optimistic
customers believe in the value of what you are selling, and make the purchase. Optimism
frames and fuels decisions, and in the modern workplace, it fosters solid work,
innovation and sales.

So how do you harness Optimism for your business?

1. Lead by example. Since Steve Jobs' death, experts have mulled the incredible
success he brought to Apple as its co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer.
There are the technical aspects - the first portable MP3 device, the first smart
phone, the first tablet. But it's more than that. Microsoft has no shortage of
firsts for technology, but they fail to generate the same buzz. Jobs succeeded because
he valued design and salesmanship as much as function. It's not just an MP3 device
- it's an iPod. It's not a smart phone, it's an iPhone. It's not a tablet, it's
an iPad. In branding, Jobs understood the power of optimism. He was also famous
for the enthusiasm he brought to Apple's annual meetings, where he would herald
"the next big thing." In "Marketing for Scientists" Marc Kucher listed words Jobs
used to describe his products between 1998 and 2008: stunning, revolutionary, awesome,
beautiful, best, tour de force, cool, remarkable. You get the point and Apple's
employees and America did too.
2. Promote your company's values. There is no shortage of access to bad news in
our culture. Technology has connected us, but has also saddled us with 24/7 coverage
of controversy, crimes, natural disasters and wars. Infuse optimism in your workplace
through your company's values. Be clear about what your company stands for and why
you are in business. Consider a tagline or phrase that employees can easily refer
to and believe in. Facebook recently released a commercial that revolved around
the meaning of a chair - and how chairs were made for people and connected people.
It seems trivial, but it communicated the company's core values with great effect.
Facebook connects people. Focusing on that simple principle unleashed the optimism
of both employees and consumers alike, making them proud to be part of Facebook.
3. Remove obstacles. Now this is huge. Optimism cannot thrive when employees feel
stuck. Consider: are you holding potential leaders back in your company? Is bureaucracy
weighing you down? How can you enable future leaders to rise? How can you encourage
innovation? I cannot answer this for each business. What I can do - is compel you
to ask the questions. As a leader you know what can be done. Do it!

For additional articles and resources click here! []

Three Words Every Salesman Should Practice

Here's an interesting story. In a study conducted at the Boston University School
of Management, researchers found how powerful the words, "I don't know," could be
for someone in sales. It seems counter intuitive - the salesman should be the expert
and know his product, so admitting ignorance could hurt his credibility. On the
contrary, when a salesman was faced with a question they couldn't answer and admitted
it, it inspired trust in the customer plus time for the salesperson to search for
the correct answer.

To read the full report entitled "Does it Pay to Beat Around the Bush? The Case
for the Obfuscating Salesman," click here [].

Is Greg Speaking at Your Next Meeting?

Do you need a speaker, trainer or facilitator for an upcoming meeting or conference?
If you want to ensure your next meeting is a huge success, consider Greg Smith!

Call or email us today to discuss your program needs. And, don't forget to check
out our new Web site []
for a list of dynamic keynotes, workshops and other resources.

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Upcoming Training Opportunities

DISC Certification Training Program

(Live Webseminar)

Individual personality styles have a direct impact on our interpersonal relationships
at home and at the workplace. People differ from each other in fundamental ways
including their values, behaviors, talents, temperaments, wants and beliefs.
Our DISC training programs []
and assessments help you identify these variances, hire the right people, reduce
conflict, improve communication and unleash team performance.

Classes are conducted in four, 90-minute sessions.

Upcoming class dates:

October 9, 15, 17


November 13, 15, 19


December 3, 5, 10

3:00-4:30 ET

Cost: $895 per person
Fourth session is a one-on-one session scheduled with each student
Includes a facilitator kit and certifications []
Register now! []
Call or email us [] for more information.

1-800-821-2487 or 770-860-9464

Tools and Resources

Fired Up! Leading Your Organization to Achieve Exceptional Results

Fired Up! is a leadership book full of tips and strategies that show people how
to manage, lead and motivate people at work. Learn to improve your leadership skills,
deliver exceptional customer service, build effective teams, improve communication,
hire the right people and retain them as long as possible, make more money and
grow your business.

$19.95 E-Book

More information []

Boosting Employee Engagement
50 Ways to Motivate and Unleash Employee Performance
Engaged employees stay with their employers, have higher levels of job satisfaction
and make significant contributions. This e-book []
provides over 50 tips, strategies and employee engagement techniques to boost
motivation, teamwork and engagement.
Download your e-book in minutes!

Click here []

Service First Video Library

The Service First Customer Service Video Library is a powerful video-based training
system founded on group interaction and designed to train the entire workforce on
the art of exceptional customer service. The Service First Video Library helps employees
become the best they can be!

Service First Video Library-12 DVD's and Free Bonuses


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